Lørdag aften udgav Beyoncé det massive audiovisuelle værk "Lemonade", som nuanceret behandler temaer som utroskab og tilgivelse, men også kønnenes ligestilling og racisme. Det er både privat og politisk, og selvom det ikke er bekræftet, at historierne på "Lemonade" bygger direkte på noget, Beyoncé selv har gennemlevet, er der allerede godt gang i spekulationerne om, hvorvidt store dele af albummet konkret handler om, hvordan rapperen Jay Z gennem en periode var Beyoncé utro.
Albummet er inddelt i 11 numre, som er adskilt af en slags "kapitler" under overskrifterne: Intuition, fornægtelse, vrede, apati, tomhed, ansvarlighed, genforening, tilgivelse, genopstandelse, håb, forløsning – og albummet synes dermed løst opbygget efter den berømte Kübler-Ross-model, som beskriver forskellige stadier i sorgbearbejdelse.
Her er nogle af de stærkeste statements og tekster fra albummets lyriske univers.
"I tried to make a home out of you. But doors lead to trap doors. A stairway lead to nothing. Unknown women wander the hallway at night. Where do you go when you go quiet? You remind me of my farther, a magician, able to exist in two places at once. In the tradition of men in my blood, you come home at 3 AM and lie to me. What are you hiding?"
Fra "Pray you catch me":
"You can taste the dishonesty, it's all over your breath as you pass it off so cavalier".
Fra "Denial":
"I tried to change. Tried to close my mouth more. Tried to be soft, prettier, less awake."
Fra "Hold up":
"Can't you see there's no other man above you, what a wicked way to treat the girl who loves you. Hold up, they don't love you like I love you, slow down, they don't love you like I love you."
"I smell your secrets and I'm not too perfect to ever feel this worthless. How did it come down to this, going through your call list?"
Fra "Anger":
"Is this what you truly want? I can wear her skin over mine. Her hair, over mine, her hands as gloves, her teeth as confetti, her scalp a cap, her sternum, my bedazzled cane. We can pose for a photograph, all three of us, immortalized."
Fra "Don't hurt yourself":
"Who the fuck do you think I am? You ain't married to no average bitch, boy."
"If you try this shit again, you gonna lose your wife."
Vreden får frit løb i Beyoncés "Don't hurt yourself" fra "Lemonade". Still fra videoen.
Vreden får frit løb i Beyoncés "Don't hurt yourself" fra "Lemonade". Still fra videoen.
Fra "Apathy":
"Ashes to ashes, dust to side chicks"
Fra "Sorry":
"Middle fingers up, put them hands high. Wave it in his face, tell him, boy, bye. I ain't thinking 'bout you."
Fra "Emptiness":
"She sleeps all day, dreams of you in both worlds. Grief, sedated by orgasm. Orgasm heightened by grief. God was in the room when the man said to the woman, "I love you so much, wrap your legs around me and pull me in, pull me in, pull me in." Sometimes when he'd have her nipple in his mouth, she'd whisper "Oh my God." That too is a form of worship."
Fra "Six Inch":
"Six inch heels, she walked in the club like nobody's business. Goddamn, she murdered everybody and I was her witness"
"You always come back to me. Come back, come back."
Fra "Accountability":
"Mother dearest let me inherit the Earth. Teach me how to make him beg. Let me make up for the years he made you wait. Did he bend your reflection? Did he make you forget your own name? Did he convince you he was a god? Did you get on your knees daily? Do his eyes close like doors? Are you a slave to the back of his hand? Am I talking about your husband or your father?"
Fra "Daddy Lessons":
"My daddy warned me about men like you. He said baby girl he's playing you."
Fra "Reformation":
"Why do you deny yourself heaven? Why do you consider yourself undeserving? Why are you afraid of love? You think it's not possible for someone like you. But you are the love of my life."
Fra "Love Drought":
"Are you aware you are my life line, are you trying to kill me?"
Fra "Forgiveness":
"One thousand girls raise their arms. Do you remember being born? Are you thankful? Are the hips that cracked, the deep velvet of your mother, and her mother, and her mother?"
Fra "Sandcastles":
Beyoncé og Jay Z i forsonende omfavnelse i videoen til "Sandcastles". Still fra videoen.
"We built sandcastles that washed away. I made you cry when I walked away. And although I promised that I couldn't stay, baby, every promise don't work out that way."
Beyoncé og Jay Z i forsonende omfavnelse i videoen til "Sandcastles". Still fra videoen.
Fra "Resurrection":
"You are terrified. and strange. And beautiful."
Fra "Forward":
"Forward... Now we're going to hold doors open for a while. Now we can be open for a while."
Fra "Hope":
"That night in a dream the first girl emerges from a slit in my stomach. The scar heals into a smile. The man I love pulls the stitches out with his fingernails. We leave like searchers curling on the side of the bath. I wake as the second girl crawls up headfirst up my throat, a flower blossoming out of the hole in my face."
Fra "Freedom":
"Freedom! Freedom! I can't move. Freedom, cut me loose! Singin' freedom! Freedom! Where are you? Cause I need freedom too! I break chains all by myself. Won't let my freedom rot in hell. Hey! I'ma keep running. 'Cause a winner don't quit on themselves"
Fra "Redemption":
"With every tear came redemption and my torturer became my remedy. So we're gonna heal, we're gonna start again."
Fra "All night":
"Found the truth beneath you lies. True love never has to hide. I trade your broken wings for mine. I've seen your scares, and kissed you crimes."
Fra "Formation":
"Y'all haters corny with that Illuminati mess. Paparazzi, catch my fly, and my cocky fresh. I'm so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress. I'm so possessive so I rock his Roc necklaces. My daddy Alabama, Momma Louisiana. You miz that negro with that creole make a Texas bama. I like my baby heir with baby hair and afros. I like my negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils. Earned all this money but they never take the country out me. I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag."