Af Emma Ellegaard
Han trådte ind på scenen og brugte sin ti minutters intromonolog på at dykke lige ned i årets stridsmål, der på sociale medier har kørt som #OscarsSoWhite. Det handler i bund og grund om, at der kun er hvide skuespillere nomineret til årets Oscar-statuetter.
Nogle har i den sammenhæng ment, at Chris Rock (som er sort) skulle trække sig. Men han valgte i stedet at bruge sin scenetid til at italesætte problemet.
Han balancerede imellem provokation og velleveret selvironi (både på egne og samfundets vegne) blandt andet disse ti citater, der i bund og grund virkede helt vildt upassende passende:
1. "If they nominated hosts I wouldn't get this job right now. You'd be watching Neil Patrick Harris right now."
2. "People told me to quit (the Oscars)... The last thing I need is to lost another job to Kevin Hart...Porno stars don't make movies that fast."
3. "We didn't protest because we had real things to protest at the time. We were too busy being raped and lynched to care about who won best cinematographer."
4. "Jada (Pinkett Smith, Will Smiths kone, red.) boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna's panties. I wasn't invited."
5. "I understand Jada's mad her man Will (Smith) was not nominated for Concussion... It's also not fair that Will (Smith) was paid $20 million for Wild Wild West."
6. "This year thing's are going to be a little different... This year in the in memoriam package, it's just going to be black people that were shot by the cops on their way to the movies."
7. "Hollywood is sorority racist. We like you, Rhonda, but you're not Kappa."
8. "But things are changing. We got a black Rocky this year...That's a big statement because Rocky takes place in a world where white athletes are as good as black athletes. So Rocky is a science fiction movie.
9. "Jamie Foxx was so good in Ray that they went to the hospital and unplugged the real Ray Charles. It's like, 'We don't need two of these.'"
10. "You're not allowed to ask women what they're wearing anymore. It's a whole thing: you have to 'ask her more.' Everything's not sexism. Everything's not racism. They ask the men more because the men are all wearing the same outfits...If George Clooney showed up with a lime green tux on and a swan coming out his ass, someone would ask, 'What are you wearing, George?'"
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